Using Intrinsic Motivation to Improve Mathematics Skills of Sixth Grade Students Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Details Instructor's Name Date of Submission Using Intrinsic Motivation to Improve Mathematics Skills of Sixth Grade Students Improving the mathematics skills of sixth-grade students is a crucial educational goal, as proficiency in this subject area is essential for future academic and career success. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using intrinsic motivation techniques to enhance the mathematics skills of sixth-grade students. The study will explore the impact of intrinsic motivation strategies, such as fostering a growth mindset, providing meaningful feedback, and promoting self-directed learning, on the students' mathematics performance and engagement. The research will be conducted in a public middle school, with a sample of 60 sixth-grade students randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a control group. The experimental group will receive a 10-week intervention program focused on intrinsic motivation strategies, while the control group will continue with the standard mathematics curriculum. Pre- and post-assessments will be used to measure the students' mathematics skills, and surveys will be administered to gauge their levels of motivation and engagement. This study is necessary to address the persistent challenge of low mathematics achievement among middle school students. By leveraging intrinsic motivation, the researchers aim to develop effective strategies that can be implemented in classrooms to improve students' mathematics skills and foster a positive attitude towards the subject. Intrinsic motivation, the inner drive to do things because they are personally rewarding, plays a big role in how well students do in school. This review looks at how important it is to have this kind of motivation in sixth-grade math class. The innate drive to engage in activities for the inherent satisfaction they provide has been identified as a crucial factor in shaping students’ academic performance and engagement. This literature review explores how intrinsic motivation can be leveraged to improve the mathematics skills of sixth-grade students, a pivotal period in their educational journey. A study by Gottfried and others in 2013 looked at how being motivated from within to do math relates to doing well in school from when you’re a kid to when you are a teen. The study showed that if students are naturally motivated to do math during elementary and middle school, they tend to keep doing beter in math as they go through school. This shows how crucial it is to boost students’ natural interest in math when they are starting to learn it. Similarly, a study by Gottfried et al. (2013) examined the longitudinal relationship between intrinsic motivation in mathematics and academic achievement from childhood to adolescence. The findings suggest that fostering intrinsic motivation in mathematics during elementary and middle school years can lead to sustained improvements in mathematics performance throughout the educational trajectory. This underscores the importance of cultivating intrinsic motivation in the formative years of a student’s mathematical development. Another study by Usher and Kober in 2012 discovered that students who think they can get better at math by trying hard are more likely to have inner motivation to do math. This positive mindset leads to better focus and doing well in school. The researchers stressed the importance of helping students have a growth mindset and feel in control of their own learning to do well in math. Similarly, a study by Usher and Kober (2012) found that students with a growth mindset, the belief that their abilities can be developed through effort and persistence, are more likely to exhibit intrinsic motivation in mathematics. This, in turn, leads to enhanced engagement and academic achievement. The authors emphasize the need for educational References Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The "what" and "why" of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227-268. Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Random House. Hattie, J. (2008). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Routledge. Schunk, D. H., & DiBenedetto, M. K. (2020). Motivation and social cognitive theory. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 60, 101832.

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